What Led to Todd and Natalie Break Up? A Closer Look of Their Relationship

Todd and Natalie break up.

It seems pretty clear that Todd and Natalie are no longer a couple.

Todd moved out of Natalie’s place a year ago, and they are living separate lives now.

Natalie also removed most of their pictures together from her Instagram.

I think they broke up around mid-July.

Luckily, they are handling it maturely and still seem to be friends.

They have been seen hanging out with their friends several times.

Even though they’ve split up, they have been spotted together in recent pictures, sitting or walking together.

So, if they did break up, which seems likely, they are still comfortable around each other and friendly.

Some people are saying they did it for attention or that Todd ended things with Natalie, but I don’t think that’s true.

They seemed to care about each other and enjoy each other’s company.

They were together for a long time, so it does not make sense that they were just pretending.

Todd wouldn’t invest so much time and effort into something for shallow reasons.

This was his longest relationship since they started sharing videos, maybe even his longest ever.

An image of Todd and Natalie
Todd and Natalie. Photo. Instagram.

How long did Natalie and Todd date?

Natalie and Todd were together for a bit over three years.

They started dating in February 2020 and broke up quietly in 2023.

The last time Natalie posted with Todd was at the end of March 2023.

They broke up around mid-July.

Is Todd still dating Natalie?

Todd and Natalie break up. It seems like they are living separately now.

Natalie removed most of their pictures from her Instagram.

I think they split up around mid-July.

But they are handling it well and still seem to be friends.

They have been seen hanging out with their group of friends many times.


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